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CMCE Forum: Becoming Chartered

On 1 February, CMCE was pleased to host a forum on the Chartered Management Consultant accreditation.  A four-person panel gave their perspectives on the accreditation and then responded to questions from attendees.

The first panel member to speak was Matt Roberts of the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) who provided a short introduction to the award.

Since its official launch in April 2021, 1,050 consultants have been accredited, a further 1,600 are on track to receiving the accreditation and around 50 consultancy firms are engaged in supporting their consultants to be accredited. An Associate award for early career consultants has also been launched. Matt also described the various pathways to achieving the accreditation and the range of benefits that it provides to clients, consultants, and consulting firms.

We then heard from two consultants, Abhilash Ramesh and Peter Johnson who described their reasons for obtaining the accreditation and the benefits that it has provided to them. Finally, Zoe Bennion set out the approach being taken by her consulting firm, Arcadis, to support consultants in obtaining the accreditation.

The panel members then responded various questions from the participants which provided some useful additional insights into the accreditations. One of the most important and interesting was that it is never too early or too late in your consulting career to consider obtaining the accreditation.

You can access a recording of the forum using this link.

Tuesday 7th May 2024
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